Your questions, answered.
While we don’t sell directly, we have partnered with some amazing specialty food distributors who are spreading our honey butter nationwide. Look for Velvet Bees Honey Butter in the specialty/imported cheese department of your local grocery store.
Click here to see the grocery and markets that carry Velvet Bees and to order online.
Yes, our honey butter is primarily a dairy product, so please refrigerate.
VBHB is made in Minneapolis, MN and licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
VBHB is made from five simple ingredients: Honey, butter, heavy cream, cane sugar, and natural vanilla. No preservatives.
Visit our Pairings Page for perfect ways to enjoy our honey butter
The following three companies can help with a wholesale order:
Simply Delicious
Try Velvet Bees Honey Butter on all your favorites – toast, pancakes, popovers, fruits, vegetables, desserts & cheeses.